
flip flops in boston ยป

and not the good kind. i saw the yellow pair of flip flops walking around chinatown, near masspike, and even though i didn't talk to them, i had a pretty good clue as to their mission. pretty clever.

Even in a city full of Democrats, a group of College Republicans had no fear taking to the streets Monday in a playful protest of John Kerry's famous "flip-flops" on issues like the war in Iraq to homosexual marriage.

"There's a myriad of issues that John Kerry has flip-flopped on; especially on free trade and gay marriages he's waffled and shifted. He says they're nuanced positions, but I really think it's political expediency," Buccini said. "He'll basically do anything to further his political ambition."


mmm .. don't you want a president who has no platform running YOUR country?


Blogger j4r3d said...

i love it. i like that large quotation mark thingy. teach me. wy aren't the red and blue flip flops in flipfop gear from head to toe. they dont' have quite the same effect as the yellow ones.

30/7/04 10:01 AM  

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