
oprah is a fat diva »

come on like you werent thinking that.
"I would like to say we're really sorry," Robert Chavez, the chief executive officer of Hermès USA, said contritely. "You did meet up with one very, very rigid staff person."

Ms. Winfrey corrected him. "Rigid or rude?" she asked with icy sweetness. He hastily assented. "Rigid and rude, I am sure."
wow can you say passive aggressive bitch? and this was on fucking national television.
But Ms. Winfrey seemed most bothered that people assumed she was irate because she had been denied a chance to shop. "Shame on anybody for thinking that I was upset for not being able to get into a clothes store and buy a purse," she said. "Please."
methinks the lady doth protest too much.

me also thinks ms. fatty diva likes lording it over the poor man who she paraded on air to prove, once again, daytime television's biggest star (snicker...) is never wrong.



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