
poon juice ยป

have you ever been like me (in which case i pity you (not really, because i'm cool)) and wondered why is prune juice called prune juice, and not plum juice? a semi-lucid explanation (and by semi-lucid, i mean more lucid than i've ever been (which isn't very hard to do)).

speaking of juice, if you put apple juice (or any other juice (ie, grape)) in a brita filter, will it turn it into water? is it, like, some sort of antichrist (ie, it can turn wine into water)?

(i'm (almost) done with the parentheticals for today) (oh wait, i'm not, i have more to write).

so, a little while ago, some stupid feminist whore got mad at me because i used "pussy" as a derogatory term (and now they're going to jump on me for using "whore" as derogatory (just because someone chooses sex as an favorite pasttime, who am i to judge?)). anyways that got me thinking, and i came to the conclusion that feminists are stupid (actually, i already knew that, but it just confirmed it). so apparently they get mad when you use slang for fem genitalia as insults (but i'd almost swear that a pussy was a little cat), because it demeans women and is male-centric, but honestly, think. people use slang for male genitalia (jennitalia!) as insults all the time. like, he's such a dick. or, stop being such a weenie. or, that was as gross as your mom's sweaty balls (oops, that one used a female term as derogatory). hahaha. clearly i'm having way too much fun with this. anyways, you know what i mean, and feminists are dumb (and now i'm done).


Anonymous Anonymous said...


do you realize you're brilliant?
like, really.

31/10/04 12:08 AM  

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