
the happy man ยป

today i went to zoe's in somerville for dinner. that's like the most random place for a chinese restaurant. i think it was across from a happy garden or some shit like that, some other dinky chinese place. anyways zoe's was in like a converted house and it was really small (like 9 tables small) and we were the only people in there at first, but they turned the music on for us so that made me happy.

also i didn't think the food was that great except for the scallion pancakes. oh gosh, those scallion pancakes were like the most sublime (there i go, using words whose definitions i don't really know) things on earth. they could possibly be the best scallion pancakes i've ever had (for some reason i keep typing pankcakes).

and then the fortune cookies, ryan got one that said "you are the happy man."

that is possibly the best fortune i've ever seen.

i want to be the happy man.

if i get to have those scallion pankcakces again i just might be.


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