
white trash 4 U »

when did britney become so white trash?



flip flops in boston »

and not the good kind. i saw the yellow pair of flip flops walking around chinatown, near masspike, and even though i didn't talk to them, i had a pretty good clue as to their mission. pretty clever.

Even in a city full of Democrats, a group of College Republicans had no fear taking to the streets Monday in a playful protest of John Kerry's famous "flip-flops" on issues like the war in Iraq to homosexual marriage.

"There's a myriad of issues that John Kerry has flip-flopped on; especially on free trade and gay marriages he's waffled and shifted. He says they're nuanced positions, but I really think it's political expediency," Buccini said. "He'll basically do anything to further his political ambition."


mmm .. don't you want a president who has no platform running YOUR country?