
i may just be a redneck whitey »

as my friend said because of my predisposition to wear abercrombie clothes, but this lawsuit pisses me off. i mean, yeah, diversity is nice and all, but so is freedom. last time i checked, america was a free, capitalist nation, not some sort of socialist hellhole. abercrombie is a private company. the government has no business at all mucking with their hiring or advertising practices.

if people aren't happy with abercrombie's treatment of minorities, then boycott them! smear their name! apply for a different job! don't buy their fudging clothes! but oh no, that's not what americans want to do! that's not enough. here in the good ole us of a, it's all about lawsuits. bring a bias case against them! cry until the judges agree to give you $40 million. cuz that's how we do it in america.

the all-american entitlement mentality: if you don't like something, call a lawyer.

[fyi i am neither a redneck nor a whitey.]


i like to make lists »

because if i don't, i always forget things. but truth be told, i still forget 98% of the things on my lists.

but! here is a list. of books i like, and have read recently, and which you should read:
« allison lynn - now you see it
« christopher moore - lamb: the gospel according to biff, christ's childhood pal
« christopher moore - fluke: or, i know why the winged whale sings
« louise murphy - the true story of hansel and gretel
« madeleine l'engle - many waters

also i saw the motorcycle diaries recently. really liked it. that there gael garcía bernal is something.

here is another list! of unsolicited opinions:
« 14 years old is too young for professional sports.
« i can't stand tom hanks. and this movie looks horrid.
« abercrombie can be so genius. in any case, it's true; squirrels prefer undamaged acorns.
« in ocean's eleven, when matt damon says, "this is the best part of my day," he must have been having a really crappy day.
« i didn't know mannequins' butts were front page news.

i'm also angsty. so here is another list! of things that cause angst in my life:
« indesign crashed on me -- and i hadn't saved recently.
« bs52 pset. nuff said.
« my light meter is still fucked up.
« there's no food in my room, except peanut butter, and i have nothing to eat that with.
« it's 3.30 am and i'm too angsty to do any work or sleep.
« i live in the northeast.
« my ocean's 11 dvd won't play past 1.01.57


yeah, i'm really not »

sorry, that is. i'm not sorry that bush got the first majority of the popular vote since 1988 or that he got the largest number of votes ever. i don't need to apologize for (or defend, for that matter) the fact that i voted for the candidate who i believed was the better choice. i believe in america and the fact that it's a sovereign nation, and i think that if we have to defend that, then so be it.


on a related note, i was in the bookstore last night and this guy compliments my sticker, and then he says, "it's good to know that not everyone's a socialist pacifist chickenshit."

thanks. i think. hahah.

on another related note, 84% of the french apparently are infected with Toxoplasma gondii, which is a parasite which infects cats and rats and causes toxoplasmosis. for comparison, 35% of rats are infected, and 22% of brits.

now i'm doubly glad that i don't live in france.


weekly whirlwind tour »

« democrats may be (gasp!) right: bush voters may just be a bunch of boobs. [instapundit]

« speaking of boobs, tara reid's scare me. looks like she's trying to take some attention away from her raccoon eyes ... and transfer it to her mutant (but perky) boobs.

« one of the most quality sentences i've ever read: "her hair was completely flat on one side and splayed out into an improbable sunburst of spikes on the other, making it appear that she was getting hit in the side of the head by a tiny hurricane, which she wasn't." christopher moore is a master.

« no links here, but it's pretty amusing (and kinda pathetic) to see all the different scapegoats the democrats are placing the blame on. hispanics, gays, the mayor of sf, the heartland, the coasts, straights, whites, celebrities, nobodies... apparently, no one is safe. so much for unity.

« while i'm not so much a fan of this site, the pandas crack me up.


normally i love new york »

but how fucking patronizing can you get? clearly the heartland of america is different from the northeast (as is the south, and the southwest, and almost ever other area), but to act as if you're the motherfucking messiah and it's your mission to show the poor bigots in the heartland what real diversity is, then fuck you.
If the heartland feels so alienated from us, then it behooves us to wrap our arms around the heartland. We need to bring our way of life, which is honoring diversity and having compassion for people with different lifestyles, on a trip around the country. [nyt via gmist]

i'm glad i'm planning to move out of the northeast after i graduate. ugh.

what's up now »

for the record, i could never be ashamed to be an american. recently i've felt this inexplicable surge of patriotism. i never considered myself terribly patriotic, but i gotta admit it. america's the best. besides, red white & blue look friggin awesome together.

i'm still waiting for idiots like alec baldwin, robert redford and barbra streisand to flee america.


straight from the cockpit »

(ok, not so straight, since i left there over an hour ago)

anyways i was at the cockpit for some good ol' fashioned poll-watching. and strangely enough, i wasn't the only republican there. yeah south dakota. and the guys who live there probably think i'm a freak now because i was taking pictures all night long.

but it's ok because i predict a bush victory. and you know it, once msnbc (ie, liberal haven) declared bush the victor in ohio.

ohhhhh yeah.

i should go to sleep.


weekly whirlwind tour »

« not so much of a whirlwind or a tour, but vote for bush on tuesday (if you haven't already done so). and if you voted kerry?

« i hope your babies look like monkeys!

« let's hope they keep their promises [vp]

« and this is what happens when we get bored.