
weekly whirlwind tour »

« democrats may be (gasp!) right: bush voters may just be a bunch of boobs. [instapundit]

« speaking of boobs, tara reid's scare me. looks like she's trying to take some attention away from her raccoon eyes ... and transfer it to her mutant (but perky) boobs.

« one of the most quality sentences i've ever read: "her hair was completely flat on one side and splayed out into an improbable sunburst of spikes on the other, making it appear that she was getting hit in the side of the head by a tiny hurricane, which she wasn't." christopher moore is a master.

« no links here, but it's pretty amusing (and kinda pathetic) to see all the different scapegoats the democrats are placing the blame on. hispanics, gays, the mayor of sf, the heartland, the coasts, straights, whites, celebrities, nobodies... apparently, no one is safe. so much for unity.

« while i'm not so much a fan of this site, the pandas crack me up.


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